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Global - September 17, 2020

Production Meter Requirements for Solar Projects: SRECs & TRECs | YSG Solar

Below we have outlined the rule requirement and accuracy requirements for production meters for solar projects, specifically those projects eligible to participate in the New Jersey SREC and TREC programs. Production meters must be installed, and must meet certain accuracy requirements as outlined in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C12.1-2008.

Production Meter Rule Requirement

Solar energy systems which are eligible for SRECs must report system production. This system production report is based on readings from a revenue-grade meter which meets the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C12.1-2008. Please note that this revenue-grade meter is in addition to the standard electric meter which is installed by the local utility in order to measure electric consumption at a site.

Production Meter Accuracy Requirements

As noted above, the revenue-grade meter—commonly known as a production meter—must meet the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C12.1-2008 and be capable of recording cumulative kilowatt-hours produced by the solar installation. The reading from this production meter is used to determine the number of SRECs generated by the solar panel system in question. 

In order to update your account, you must report monthly kWh production to the PJM GATS SREC Tracking system. Please note that while your inverter may be capable of displaying kWh figures, inverter meters do not meet the required accuracy standards and cannot be used for generating SRECs

Suitable meters which satisfy ANSI C12.1-2008 accuracy requirements are available from multiple sources and must be installed by a licensed New Jersey electrical contractor. Additional guidance regarding the applicability of the Electric Subcode for the revenue-grade meters (RGM) is available here. To find meter suppliers, head to the NJCEP Trade Alley database here, and select the ‘Metering and Monitoring’ category. 

The following lists should assist you in identifying a revenue-grade meter which satisfies the ANSI C12.1-2008 accuracy requirements.

These lists do not necessarily include every single meter which satisfies the accuracy requirements, and you can verify a meter’s eligibility by requesting ANSI C12 documentation from the manufacturer.

How to Report Meter Information to PJM-GATS

Once you have identified a suitable revenue-grade meter and installed it onsite, you should consult this document from PJM Environmental Information Services to learn how to report the necessary information to PJM-GATS

If you’re interested in New Jersey solar, then reach out to YSG Solar today. YSG has been operating in the solar market for over ten years and is vastly experienced in developing solar projects of all sizes. Send us an email or call at 212.389.9215 to get started, or just learn more.

YSG Solar is a project development vehicle responsible for commoditizing energy infrastructure projects. We work with long-term owners and operators to provide clean energy assets with stable, predictable cash flows. YSG's market focus is distributed generation and utility-scale projects located within North America.



Photo by Fiaz Mohammed on Unsplash.