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Posted - August 25, 2021

How to Choose the Right Solar Company | YSG Solar

Solar is one of the fastest growing industries in the world due to the ever-increasing demand for clean energy sources which can reduce

Posted - August 23, 2021

How Solar Can Solve The Energy Crisis | YSG Solar

As oil industry markets continue to fall, countries around the world have shifted their attention to a more sustainable future. The

Posted - August 19, 2021

How Do Solar Panels Save Money? | YSG Solar

Transitioning to a clean and sustainable energy source can reap benefits for both the environment and the investor. Within the last 10

Posted - August 17, 2021

The Importance of Solar Energy in the Age of COVID-19 | YSG Solar

As COVID-19 continues to challenge the world in more ways than ever, it has also demonstrated the importance of our personal efforts in

Posted - August 12, 2021

Community Solar Financing Models | YSG Solar

A common misconception about solar is that users must have a roof in order to reap its benefits. However, community solar developments

Posted - August 10, 2021

New Jersey Unveils Successor Solar Incentive Program | YSG Solar

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has announced plans for a new solar incentive program in NJ. The Successor Solar Incentive

Posted - August 10, 2021

Solar Farm Benefits for Landowners | YSG Solar

Solar energy has become increasingly popular in New York State due to its positive environmental impact and the many benefits it offers

Posted - August 4, 2021

How to Finance Solar in New York State | YSG Solar

Following the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Initiative, New York is considered one of the top solar states in the United States due

Posted - August 3, 2021

Minnesota Solar Energy Production Tax | YSG Solar

Property taxes are assessed by all states—generally on an annual basis—and reflect in some aspect the real property value. States

Posted - August 2, 2021

Finding Solar Installers: Orange & Rockland Solar Marketplace | YSG Solar

Transitioning to solar is a major long-term investment that requires time and research in order for investors to make the most informed