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Posted - March 23, 2020

The Future of Long Island Community Solar | YSG Solar

Long Island community solar may be lagging behind somewhat in terms of its deployment, especially in comparison to other areas of New

Posted - March 23, 2020

Energy Storage Is The Future For Virginia | YSG Solar

Virginia lawmakers have taken a big step on the path to a clean energy future for their state. In a bold statement of intent, a new bill

Posted - March 21, 2020

New York City's Clean, Green Future | YSG Solar

Last month, on Thursday February 6, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio delivered his annual State of the City address. For the renewable

Posted - March 21, 2020

Long Island Community Solar Incentives Increased | YSG Solar

Just last month (February 2020), after feedback from solar developers operating in the area, the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) took

Posted - March 20, 2020

Commercial & Industrial Solar Contractors | YSG Solar

The NY-Sun solar initiative offers incentives for commercial & industrial projects—provided you are working with a participating

Posted - March 19, 2020

What is the New Jersey TREC Program? | YSG Solar

New Jersey has seen huge solar growth in recent times, becoming one of the most popular solar locations in the United States. A lot of

Posted - March 16, 2020

Community Solar & Farmers | YSG Solar

Community solar has been developing rapidly across the United States and a huge number of projects have popped up around the country in

Posted - March 13, 2020

Blooming Grove Set For Solar Farm | YSG Solar

The Town of Blooming Grove, New York, is set to become the latest NY town to host a large-scale solar facility. The 22 acre solar farm

Posted - March 11, 2020

How Long Does It Take To Construct A Solar Farm? | YSG Solar

As a general rule of thumb, it takes 3 months (per 2 MW DC) for a standard ground-mounted solar farm. Installation of solar modules and

Posted - March 11, 2020

What is a Solar Power Purchase Agreement? | YSG Solar

A solar power purchase agreement is a bilateral contract between two parties—the "project sponsor" and the "off-taker".The Project