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Posted - April 8, 2020

New York Solar | YSG Solar

New York is one of the most popular solar locations in the United States, seeing huge solar industry growth across the past decade.

Posted - April 6, 2020

Solar Farms & Land Lease Rates | YSG Solar

Solar farms are popping up all across the United States and land to house these solar farms is in high demand. If you’re a landowner

Posted - April 6, 2020

Is Community Solar Right For You? | YSG Solar

With roof space at a premium in New York City, many people are unable to install solar panels on their property. In fact, even if you do

Posted - April 3, 2020

Find a Residential Solar Contractor in New York | YSG Solar

Finding the right solar contractor is one of the most important steps in your journey to a renewable energy system for your home. New

Posted - April 2, 2020

Why You Should Consider a Solar Land Lease | YSG Solar

A solar land lease is a great way to generate extra income from an unused parcel of land. For landowners in the state of New York, and

Posted - March 31, 2020

Is a Solar Land Lease Worth it? | YSG Solar

As the solar industry has grown in recent years, solar farms have become more and more prevalent throughout New York and across the

Posted - March 30, 2020

NYSEIA Offers Help Amid COVID-19 Troubles | YSG Solar

COVID-19 is impacting everyone across the country and around the world. Unfortunately, the solar industry is not exempt from the impact

Posted - March 27, 2020

Long Island Community Solar: Feed-In Tariff V | YSG Solar

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) will be issuing Solar Communities Feed-in-Tariff V (FIT V) in the very near future. FIT V is for

Posted - March 26, 2020

South Carolina Solar Farms | YSG Solar

In March 2020, Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) announced that they are soliciting proposals for solar farms that are interconnected to one

Posted - March 25, 2020

COVID-19: Impacts & Resources for New York Solar Market | YSG Solar

All of us are feeling the impact of COVID-19 across New York and, indeed, the entire country. Like many other industries, the solar