What is Community Solar?
You might have heard the term “Community Solar” popping up a lot lately. The community-based alternative route to renewable energy has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years and it’s easy to see why. Conventional rooftop installations on residential or commercial properties might be more common in the solar world, but community solar is really staking a claim for itself. Essentially, community solar involves one large solar project, usually externally managed, providing renewable, sustainable energy for a larger group of people. This offers a great route into the arena of renewable energy for those who may be prohibited from pursuing individual solar projects because of cost, location, roof quality, or anything else. It’s clear that community solar is a practical, egalitarian energy solution. Let’s examine why it’s become so popular among New Yorkers.
Why is Community Solar Popular in New York?
It’s clear that New York is a great solar state, with a socially conscious population, all eager to save money and reap the cost-efficient benefits of solar energy. Given the popularity of more conventional solar types - residential and commercial - it was only a matter of time before community projects would start to really make their mark on the state. There’s abundant interest in going solar, but for some people, a lack of abundant roof space. This drives them toward alternative solutions, and community solar is a dream solution in this regard.
The great thing about community solar is that it acts as one big solution to a number of smaller problems preventing New Yorkers from going solar. Community solar can be a great way to solve some common solar problems and barriers to entry:
Problem: Your roof is too small, too old, or in poor condition.
Solution: You have access to panels offsite, avoiding your roof issues entirely.
Problem: You don’t own the property and therefore can’t sanction a solar panel installation.
Solution: Again, the panels are simply located elsewhere and you still reap the benefits.
Problem: You’re sick of paying high electric bills, which look set to keep on rising.
Solution: Community solar offers all the great savings associated with conventional rooftop solar.
Problem: You don’t want to go with the purchase model.
Solution: Most community solar programs offer a subscription/pay-as-you-go model.
Problem: You think the upfront solar payment is too much.
Solution: Community solar is structured to avoid bigger initial investments and still provide the long-term rewards.
In addition, New York has one a thriving community solar market, one of the most active in the United States. Thanks, in part, to Governor Cuomo’s NY-Sun initiative, New York has seen huge investment in community solar projects across the state. Just over a year ago, back in February 2018, New York saw the completion of the biggest project yet, a 2.7 megawatt solar array in Sullivan County. Following on from this success, there are hundreds of megawatts of solar projects in the pipeline, which will lead to clean energy for over 100,000 New Yorkers when completed.
To learn more about community solar, or even discuss a project, contact YSG Solar today, or call the office at 212.389.9215.
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By Shane Croghan
Featured Image Source: MrRenewablesWestmill Solar Co-operativeBen Cavanna [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons